Thursday, June 4, 2009


Things are getting checked off the checklist as we approach Cohen's arrival. One thing I wanted to do before we become a family of four was to have Noah fun days! One of those being the ZOO! He has never been to an actually zoo. He has been to aquariums, museums, safari-type parks but never to the zoo! So, on a whim we decided to go yesterday. An overcast sky, school still in session, and a random Wednesday morning was the BEST time to go! There were no crowds which meant we could zoom through (as much as a 9 month preggo lady can) and see pretty much everything in two hours! Noah had a blast and all the animals were easily visible. (Sometimes, you go and they are hiding in the corner or in their little house, which is SO annoying!) We had an awesome day!

Daddy and Noah
Let me just say say that I was very impressed with Dallas Zoo. I hadn't been in awhile and I don't remember it being so nice and clean!

Taking pics of the BIG turtles...

The giraffes...

The tiger...

Looking down at the duck pond...

Noah loved the penguins!

Didn't so much love the gorillas...

See why...they were up close and personal!


Courtney said...

Oh my goodness! How fun to have the gorillas up that close! You look great and I'm so glad this pregnancy has gone so well for you.

Jessica said...

How fun! I love the zebras and the lions!

Crystal Corona said...

I liked it too when we went when i was home! I know I had been before but I remembered nothing.