Sunday, March 28, 2010

busy busy busy

The Ellis' are very busy these days! But, the busiest of us all has to be Cohen! He is crawling EVERYWHERE! Pulling up on EVERYTHING! Loves to get into ANYTHING! I guess that's life with an almost 10-month-old! He loves his new found freedom! Above is a video of him crawling that I took last week. Since then he has started crawling faster and longer distances. Enjoy!

{Of course that is Noah in the background singing{?} who knows what.}


Lauri Anne said...

What a cutie! I bet you have your hands full :) They just grow up too fast!

Bonniebeewester said...

Way to go Cohen!! He seriously melts my heart into a billion pieces! What's the secret to such a happy baby? I've got my pencil ready to take notes :)

Crystal Corona said...

haha, so cute. I love the crawl, roll over, crawl, sit up. SSSOOOOO excited to see u and the boys!!